Book cover design for Freddy the Christmas Flea

Children’s Book Design

Children’s Book Cover Design, Typesetting and Page Layout Design for Freddy the Christmas Flea. Publisher provided all illustrations for use in cover and layout design. The design included typesetting in a kid friendly, easy to[…]

Cover Design for Kindling Wood

Children’s Book Design

Children’s Book Cover Design, Typesetting and Page Layout Design for Kindling Wood. Publisher provided all illustrations for use in cover and layout design. The design included typesetting in a kid friendly, easy-to-read font, and incorporating[…]

Cover design for The Wicked Witch of Weeping Willow

Children’s Book Design

Children’s Book Cover Design, Typesetting and Page Layout Design for The Wicked Witch of Weeping Willow. Publisher provided all illustrations for use in cover and layout design. The design included typesetting in a kid friendly,[…]